Monthly Archives: December 2015


Pressure is good, correct?  I know that I’m at my best when I have goals to reach for.  Sometimes it’s training for a running or triathlon race.  Sometimes it’s getting a gift finished with enough time to get it wrapped and to the recipient in time. Sometimes it’s as simple as getting a list of chores done before heading out the door.  Recently I’ve cut it close, almost too close, on two goals and it’s reminded me that procrastination is not a good thing.

This past summer I registered, through The Modern Quilt Guild, to participate in a quilt challenge.  If selected I would receive a bundle of fabric in the mail and I would have to sew it into a quilt and submit it by November 30.  Well, I was chosen, the fabric arrived, and then it sat.  The colours didn’t move me, inspiration was lacking.  Eventually I came up with a plan and got to work.  It started to take shape and looked promising.  Then we went away for two weeks and arrived home three days before the deadline.  It was completed and submitted, online, with only hours to spare.  Here’s the piece – it’s 25″ x 26″ and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

Getting this Blog started was my second project with a deadline.  I’ve blogged before, while on a trip through India.  It was fairly basic, mostly a way to send pictures and updates to family and friends.  threadonthread is meant to be a way to communicate with others with common interests.  I wanted it to be perfect before publishing my first post.

However, I’m participating in the Denman Island Christmas Craft Faire this weekend and have printed cards with my name and the blog address, so I will have to settle for getting two posts published, inserting some photos and hoping that you will come back often and follow along as threadonthread blossoms into the blog that I’ve envisioned.

Next deadline – Christmas – and shopping starts on Monday!


Craft Faire

It’s crunch time as I’m now 21 hours away from the opening of the Denman Island Christmas Craft Faire. Set up starts in a couple of hours and everything is by the front door, ready to be loaded into the car.  Jean Cockburn, a Denman artist extraordinaire, is my partner in crime for this venture and it’s been great fun getting ready.

I haven’t done anything like this in almost 25 years and I’d forgotten the excitement, apprehension, doubt and plain hard work that comes with getting ready to put one’s work on display.  I wonder if I have enough of the right items and whether the prices are appropriate.  I like what I’ve made, shouldn’t everyone else like it too?

Here’s a quick look at a few of the items that will be available this weekend.  If you’re in the neighbourhood, please drop by!


Lined drawstring bags


Set of placemats


‘Good Morning’ hanging


‘mmm Cherry Pie’ hanging